
Labourer in the Vineyard
The Passionate Life
God Called a Girl
The Holy Spirit
God's Business
Desperate Dependence
Dancing with the Divine

Labourer in the Vineyard
By Greg Watts £5.99 ISBN 07459 52186

On Tuesday 19 April, the new pope was presented to the world. As the crowds cheered, the questions were already forming. Who was Benedict XVI? What were his priorities? Where would he lead the Church?

Many people felt they knew him already. For over 20 years he was the Vatican's 'enforcer', the man responsible for maintaining Church doctrine and correcting error. The words 'conservative' and 'hardline' were used in most media despatches. Many welcomed his election as they felt he would continue the legacy of John Paul II. Others feared that, under his leadership, the Church would not move forward to engage with a changing world. In this lively new book, Greg Watts presents an engaging portrait of the pope, looking at his background, beliefs, priorities, interests and style of leadership.


The Passionate Life
By Mike Breen and Walt Kallestad £7.99 ISBN 0781442877

Countless people today are disappointed with the way their lives are going. Although they truly believe they were created for a divine purpose, deep in their hearts they wonder What's so great about knowing God?

Do you have friends who talk about how wonderful God is and what he's doing in their lives and secretly long to know him the same way? Maybe you go to church every week, only to go away empty and thinking - there's got to be more.

This book encourages you to live your life the way God intended. Have a passionate relationship with the Creator of the Universe. And have an impact on other people's lives.


God Called a Girl
By Shannon Kubiak £8.99 ISBN 0764200291

God has called you to make a difference to the world. Are you willing to answer the call?

Mary thought she was average, yet when God came to her with such a monumental task, she agreed without hesitation. Never mind the fact that being a pregnant, unwed teen in her day was punishable by death.

God is looking for world changers. He believes in you and is counting on you to make important decisions and changes. God has big plans for your life; see what he can do with just one person fully committed to him.


The Holy Spirit
By Nicky Gumbel £2.99 ISBN 1842912003

Whether used as part of an Alpha Course or Holy Spirit Weekend, or just used as a gift book to help a friend understand the importance of being filled with the Holy Spirit, this little book is invaluable for all Christians, and especially those involved in nurturing others.


By Jean Hatton £8.99 ISBN 185424 7050

In 1816, Betsy walked alone into Newgate Gaol.  The transformation she achieved there made her an instant celebrity and propelled her onto the stage of world history.

She transformed her generation's perception of offenders, and helped bring into being a professional prison service.  She campaigned against the dreadful conditions on the prison ships sailing to Australia.  And she was a catalyst for the long struggle which eventually saw women achieving fulfilment and recognition in the world beyond family and home.

Yet the personal cost was enormous as she struggled to balance her sense of calling with her domestic life and the attitudes of a patriarchal society.  She confided her innermost thoughts to private journals, and these hand-written volumes have enabled Jean Hatton to breath vivid life into her story.


God's Business
By Myron Rush £6.99 ISBN 078143744X

This is a very helpful book for those who desire to serve God with integrity in the high pressure world of business. Myron Rush shows how to balance 'Faith and the Bottom line' and challenges the reader to examine personal priorities and values in their business lives. Drawing on his experience as a corporate leader, Myron Rush presents a practical and scriptural analysis of crucial issues in business life.


Desperate Dependence
By Max Davis £6.99 ISBN 0781440645

Burned up? Chewed up? Washed up? If so, you're in a great position! You can finally stop living in your own power and experience God's ultimate for your life.

Desperate Dependence is that position where we can learn to see God as our sole source for spiritual health, emotional health, relational health, financial provision, and career development.

Max Davis gently reveals how our disappointments and failures can be turned around so that we experience God in ways we never imagined.


Dancing with the Divine
By Harold Fickett £7.99 ISBN 0781440599

Jesus taught by telling parables. Drawing from this, the Master's own style, Harold Fickett uses contemporary stories to express the truths he has come to know—the friendship of Christ; the presence of God with us, even in our most strange and trying circumstances.

This book offers tremendous depth, but it is so clearly written that minister and layperson alike can glean the wisdom it has to offer.

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